Monday, April 07, 2014

The exquisite torture of exams is at an end...

I have, for more than a year now, been in training for my new role, the one I can't talk about here. It has been surprisingly stressful, with four sets of examinations to pass, a library of reading material to absorb and more homework exercises than I can remember. However, it is now pretty much over, as I received the news that I had passed the final set of exams on Friday.

It is a strange feeling having survived, having lived with the unnerving knowledge that, if any exam is failed twice, your promotion is withdrawn and you are returned to your old job - even more troubling in my case as mine was subsequently abolished.

I've been thrown together with a group of strangers for the duration of my studies, gathering every week or fortnight to pool our mutual bewilderment and confusion and to share the delight or dejection of individual exam passes or fails. Over the months, we've developed friendships, encouraged each other, even occasionally drowned our sorrows together. It's been fun - well, mostly - and I've learned from the experience.

And now, we go our separate ways, tasked with... Actually, I can't say, but I have every confidence that they will do my employers proud.

So, wish us luck - you'll want us to succeed!

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